Montblanc Serial Number Database

  • Unluckily I can't offer you references, but it seems they just don't have 'proper' serial numbers but just 'production codes' (which can repeat over time), so there's no database to track alike to, say, a vintage Swiss wristwatch.
  • Montblanc Serial Number Database By Date A Montblanc Meisterstuck pen is identified by the tips, the serial numbers on the ring and the name Montblanc on the center ring. There are many counterfeit pens on. Apr 12, 2017 - Look for the serial number on the ring connected to the clip on the pen.
  • Montblanc introduced serial numbers in 1991 in some sort of attempt to counter the replica/counterfeit market. This has not been particularly effective.
Montblanc Serial Number Database

In the late 1930’s Montblanc introduced their new numbering system for pen models. This consisted of a three-digit number, sometimes with an additional letter at the end. This model number can be “read” if you know how to decode it.

The first number is the price category

1: Meisterstück or Masterpiece
2: Medium priced
3: Economy Model

The second number indicated the filling system

0: Safety
2: Button
4: Piston

The third number is the size of the nib.

Occasionally, a letter would follow, indicating the finish and colour

Montblanc Serial Number Database 2020

G: Smooth
S: Chased
E: Chased rose pattern
PL: Silver grey / Black
P: Pearl

McDaniel & Gates - Marketing Research 10th Edition c. McDaniel & Gates - Marketing Research 10th Edition c.

The above info excerpted from Fountain Pens of the World, by Andreas Lambrou, published by Classic Pens Ltd. If you are interested in fountain pens, you should own this book!

Montblanc Watch Serial Number Database

There was an additional discussion at the forum regarding the meanings behind the last letter. The discussion started as a debate as to whether “G” stood for “Gold nib” or “Glatt (Smooth) finish”. Reading this discussion, it seems that it can be concluded that the meanings of at least some of these letters were different in different time periods – and that there was no fixed system.

Montblanc Serial Number Database Online

The following was posted to the forum on this page:

According to the 1936 MB catalogue:

G = Glatte Ausfuerung (High Gloss)
S = Schraffiert (Hatched / guilloche chased pattern)
E = Rosenmuster (Engraved rose pattern)
PL = Platinschwarz (Black & silver striated)
P = Perle (Black & Pearl)
K = Kurz (Short version)

Montblanc Serial Number Database Lookup

One additional interesting piece of information from that forum discussion is the mention of a “JB” imprint on some vintage Montblanc pens. This stands for Jawahiri Brothers, who were the exclusive importers of Montblanc to India in the 1950’s.